
Miembro desde ‎nov 1, 2024
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Davis Thompson

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Noviembre 14, 2024
I assume I could then use a workflow (or maybe even the same workflow) to update the those I just cleared to "customer"? I have over 600 that need up...Leer más
Noviembre 14, 2024
Welp, that sounds like a pretty simple solution!
dthomp43 en Noviembre 14, 2024
Hello! I have a question about lifecycle stages and workflows. What happens if I rearrange lifecycle stages, run a workflow that updates the stage on specific records, and then I put the lifecycle stages back in the original order? Here Leer más
Noviembre 12, 2024
Thanks Karsten! I made the updates you suggested. The workflow shouldn't run until a few weeks from now, so I'll come back then and indicate this...Leer más
dthomp43 en Noviembre 11, 2024
Hello! I need a bit of help creating a workflow. I have a deal stage titled "Will Churn" and I would like to setup a workflow that automatically updates the deal stage to "Closed Lost" on the deal's contract end date. e.g. A customer gives chu Leer más
dthomp43 en Noviembre 01, 2024
Hey Y'all! New to HubSpot and had a question - I'm wondering what is the best to indicate a subscription based price increase? For example, let's say our product is $10,000 a year. Upon renewal, a 5% price increase is applied to the deal Leer más
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