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tscott on November 14, 2017
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show Beitrag ansehen
93 Antworten
Januar 30, 2019
This has been posted in various different ways, but plainly put: Sales reps should be able to edit the columns of the Tasks view to include propertie...Beitrag ansehen
tscott on November 14, 2017
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show Beitrag ansehen
93 Antworten
Januar 30, 2019
This has been posted in various different ways, but plainly put: Sales reps should be able to edit the columns of the Tasks view to include propertie...Beitrag ansehen
lrn24 on Januar 02, 2019
When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
176 Antworten
Januar 30, 2019
Yep. For me it's 8 am and i come into work at 8:30 so as soon as i come in all my tasks for the day show as "overdue"
susaning on September 19, 2018
Help me SORT, SEARCH, or PRIORITIZE Tasks. It'd be valuable to be able to search my tasks by * Task [text] titles * Priority Levels - sometimes 10 tasks/day out of 50 are CRITICAL and if time i Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
Januar 30, 2019
Even if the tasks just showed what stage of my pipeline the deal they are associated to were in I could prioritize based on where they are in the pip...Beitrag ansehen
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