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Daniel Crinnion

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DCrinnion1 on Januar 24, 2025
Hey All, Wondering if anybody has a workaround where we are able to move Lifecycle stages backwards. To give context when a lead disqualifies for us we want to put them in to a Cool Down phase for a month where they dont receive any marketin Beitrag ansehen
DCrinnion1 on Januar 15, 2025
Hey All, I have a Lead Source issue. I have created a few Lead Source assignment workflows based on the different sources our leads can come from i.e. an event/webinar etc. When they get originally created I want the source to fill out Lead Sour Beitrag ansehen
Januar 14, 2025
Hey @karstenkoehler ! Is this something do you recon I could put in a workflow that when they fill out Scheduled ARR, it triggers a workflow to tic...Beitrag ansehen
DCrinnion1 on Januar 13, 2025
Hi All, Wondering if anyone had a workaround where you can make another property mandatory when a single line text field 'is known'. Trying to get the sales team to have to fill in a 'Date ARR Changes' field when there is a value in the 'Schedul Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
DCrinnion1 on Dezember 19, 2024
Hey All, My question is not necessarily Restoring but more that, we have prematurely synced about 5,000 leads in to our Hubspot from Apollo. I am now looking to delete them all as we don't need them for now but perhaps in 4/5 months we will ne Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 18, 2024
Hey Sam! Thank you so much for this however I am not sure this will effect my situation. As each practice already has a few codes that are very r...Beitrag ansehen
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