
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jan 28, 2019
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Paul Birkhead

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Participant | Diamond Partner
June 21, 2024
It is amazing to me how inept HubSpot can be. The ability to embed code snippets in a help document should be BASIC functionality. I have no idea more
Paul320 on January 03, 2022
As I understand it, the CES is sent to all contacts associated with a support ticket when the ticket status is "Closed". The problem with this is that you can have more than one stage in a pipeline that is associated with a "Closed" status. For ex read more
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Paul320 on November 15, 2021
Product weight is a property for items in the product library. It would be beneficial if the total weight of all of the products on a quote (extended by their quantities) could be displayed in a quote's totals (or sub-totals). I have a client who read more
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Participant | Diamond Partner
August 19, 2021
How about the ability to see only the available folders? That alone would be a tremendous improvement.
Paul320 on April 13, 2021
It would be very useful if one could insert a "dynamic" meeting link in an email template so that the meeting link of the person enrolling a contact in a sequence or otherwise using the email template could be included in the email.
Paul320 on January 12, 2021
The ability to filter for and manage quotes is severely lacking. You can go to Sales > Quotes and see a list of quotes, but you can't introduce filtered views like you can for Deals or other objects in HubSpot. In addition to having more complete read more
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