
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jan 25, 2019
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Nathaniel Cassidy

Chief Strategist & MD at 3manfactory. Love of brand, behavioural psychology, and systems. I use the word context a lot.


jspencerdav on March 14, 2022
Workflows is arguably the most powerful feature in HubSpot. Regardless of skill level in HubSpot, users create workflows to automate valuable work. However, without good documentation, workflows quickly become a black hole of confusion and was read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Fully with you @Juliaaa , after experimenting with documenting in Miro, ClickUp, Google Docs and so on the only methodology that has proven to be more
nc_3manfactory on August 09, 2022
The 'insert proposed times' meeting function is great but at the moment is limited to a maximum of 1 hour duration. This means that it can't be used to schedule longer sessions for things like workshops or detailed reviews. Impact: longer meeti read more
jspencerdav on March 14, 2022
Workflows is arguably the most powerful feature in HubSpot. Regardless of skill level in HubSpot, users create workflows to automate valuable work. However, without good documentation, workflows quickly become a black hole of confusion and was read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Fully with you @Juliaaa , after experimenting with documenting in Miro, ClickUp, Google Docs and so on the only methodology that has proven to be more
jspencerdav on March 14, 2022
Workflows is arguably the most powerful feature in HubSpot. Regardless of skill level in HubSpot, users create workflows to automate valuable work. However, without good documentation, workflows quickly become a black hole of confusion and was read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Fully with you @Juliaaa , after experimenting with documenting in Miro, ClickUp, Google Docs and so on the only methodology that has proven to be more
nc_3manfactory on November 27, 2019
The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompany read more
63 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
June 01, 2022
@glencornell surely this needs to at least go back into 'under review' ?
DarrenScottUK on March 05, 2022
To help show the benefit and usage of snippets it would be beneficial for admins to see the usage of snippets within the portal. This would help to show who is using what snippets and overall if there's any snippets which aren't been used to then al read more
8 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 07, 2022
I'd go even further and say that adoption reports right across the HubSpot ecosystem would be really helpful for identifying areas for further more
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