
Miembro desde ‎oct 22, 2024
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Maddy Weinberg

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Noviembre 26, 2024
Hi Louise, Thank you fort your response. It is connected to a different pipeline. I want the Form to stay connected to this pipeline, but I want my i...Leer más
MWeinberg en Noviembre 25, 2024
I currently have an Inbox connected to one Pipeline and a Form connected to a different Pipeline. I want the tickets created from my Inbox to be connected to the same Pipeline as the channel my Form is connected to. How do I reroute the tickets crea Leer más
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2 Respuestas
Octubre 29, 2024
Thank you! That's great! Do you have any idea a general timeframe of when this will be released? Also, will this include data for the duration of a m...Leer más
Octubre 23, 2024
@Kjones11 I am trying to generate a report with the same data. Were you ever able to figure out a way to generate a report for meeting duration per...Leer más
Octubre 22, 2024
Thanks so much Kennedy! I don't see meetings as an option when I create my own custom report. Not sure if that screenshot in the help article is outd...Leer más
MWeinberg en Octubre 22, 2024
Hi! I am trying to generate a report for: 1.) How much time my team spends in meetings per deal? 2.) How much time each team member is spending in meetings per deal? What is the best way to generate this report?
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5 Respuestas
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