
Miembro desde ‎oct 17, 2024
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Kyle Strong

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Octubre 21, 2024
Important Note: The entire functionality described here can be remedied by zooming in to 60% or more within a workflow view - more details in th...Leer más
Octubre 21, 2024
Hi @MeganLegge , Appreciate the response and clarification very much. I reached out to support at the end of last week (as this seemed h...Leer más
VelocityOption en Octubre 18, 2024
So apparently a glaring design issue that was one of the most pressing at the end of 2023 has become something everyone is OK with? Not sure why this thread was relegated to "ideas" when it's one of the most important topics that needs to be discus Leer más
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VelocityOption en Octubre 17, 2024
Hey fellow automation-heads. I posted a thread complaining (and warning) about the direction of workflow UI changes around this time last year (on a different client-account, figured I would finally make a personal account here) : Why does the Leer más
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3 Respuestas
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