
Miembro desde ‎may 5, 2017
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Captshawn en Abril 05, 2017
Right now you can A/B test emails, landing pages and CTAs. These are all awesome but leaving the core pages of a website without the ability to A/B test is simply just sad. What if a CTA change on the home page made a 2% uplift in main service sale Leer más
Enero 11, 2018
This seems like a no brainer.. let's make it happen, this has my vote!
waihonger en Enero 03, 2017
Right now Workflows can only be used to create a deal with limited options i.e. name/close date/amount. As such, when our customers fill up a sign up form, we aren't able to populate new deals with any information that relates to the sign Leer más
306 Me gusta
83 Respuestas
Septiembre 25, 2017
I have a product. A customer fills out a form to show if they are interested in the big, medium or small size option. You would naturally think ...Leer más
benjaminbachman en May 05, 2017
We used the HubSpot's persona tool built on Typeform. This was my first experience with Typeform. It is a great platform for quickly building logic based forms that are asked in one-by-one question style. If you have never experienced it, try it her Leer más
26 Me gusta
18 Respuestas
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