
Member since ‎Jan 17, 2019
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Douglas Welcome

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March 16, 2021
Great show! And thanks for the shout out @jmclaren and @dennisedson
March 16, 2021
thanks for the shout out @dennisedson and @jmclaren ! If anybody has any questions or pr, please submit!
douglaswelcome on October 30, 2020
Lil idea here, but I am beginning to use DND areas so content editors can add custom modules to build a page. It would be super nice if there was a way to filter available modules based on their location ala the same way you can filter templates ba read more
douglaswelcome on May 29, 2020
Happy Friday email developers! I don’t know about you, but I hate writing html for email. So I built a little tooling to use MJML to generate html in a Hubspot friendly way! Feel free to use and implement in your own workflows. Take a look: read more
3 Replies
April 30, 2020
This is exactly what I would be imaging this too look like. thank you thank you thank you
douglaswelcome on February 18, 2020
Feature Request: functionality to set the feature/preview image for the blog home/listing without having to hardcode it. Seems like this one got overlooked... Who is this for: People who don't code yet need to make updates the the website. What read more
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