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Twan de Leijer

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auto_mate on Mai 03, 2018
I have thousands of legacy contacts with "free email addresses" that I want to easily list. How can I easily add Hubspot's own list of blocked free email domains to a list or workflow? If the answer is copy/paste, that's OK - perhaps this li Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Mai 08, 2019
I am looking for a similar feature. I don't want to block people with a free email domain from using our forms. But I do want to handle th...Beitrag ansehen
Tnichs on Mai 22, 2018
The new communications subscription properties are great, however only if using the HubSpot default form properties to gather consent. However, if we use custom properties for example, we have one that asks 'Do you want to optin - Yes or no' radio bu Beitrag ansehen
53 Antworten
Mai 25, 2018
Same here. I was trying to set up a workflow with a trigger based on somebody entering a subscription, but unfortunately found out that subscriptions...Beitrag ansehen
APROPLAN on April 03, 2017
Multi languages features like Landing pages & website have. I think it's essential to have a blog in multiple languages.
97 Antworten
November 07, 2017
We solved it, as some of you indicated, with two separate blogs for the two different languages that we post in. But, we have one additional issu...Beitrag ansehen
twandeleijer on November 03, 2017
According to this article , Hubspot will start linking page views to contacts if any of the below two things happen: "Visitors will be tracked anonymously even before they become contacts. If and when a visitor fills out a form , HubSpot will Beitrag ansehen
katharine on Mai 01, 2017
I was disappointed to see that I can't do an A/B test in an automated email: Marketo (a HubSpot competitor) allows this functionality. Can you add this Beitrag ansehen
293 Antworten
September 08, 2017
@davidoudiette Imagine if you have a workflow that contains 2 emails, that would means testing 4 workflows. Or 3, that would mean 8 workflows. You ...Beitrag ansehen
acaringi on Dezember 12, 2016
It would be great if Hubspot had the ability to track how many replies I got to my marketing newsletters. A lot of our newsletters are designed to get people to reply to them instead of having them click on something, so really the reply rate is wha Beitrag ansehen
179 Antworten
September 07, 2017
For us this would also be an important feature. Like @acaringi we have also designed some of our emails in order to trigger a reply as the preferre...Beitrag ansehen
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