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Member since ‎Jan 15, 2019
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Michelle LeBlanc

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HolliW00d on October 05, 2021
We the marketing team would love to have the ability to add social posts to HubSpot campaigns, which were not published in HubSpot but on the platform (Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn). It was already possible once. As we mostly combine a lot of chan read more
39 Replies
Member | Elite Partner
October 01, 2023
Since we also have clients scheduling posts directly, we can't monitor Total Campaign Impact which means the Campaign function in HubSpot is of more
Lucila-Andimol on November 06, 2020
As and agency we have some main dashboards that are usefull to all clients. Instead of creating each dashboardn in each client portal, we 'd love to clone the entire dahsboard to other portals (just as a CMS template). This 'd save so much time to a read more
Member | Elite Partner
December 14, 2022
This would make life so much easier to get consistency in reporting across clients.
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