
Member since ‎Oct 1, 2024
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Isabel Lamana

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marcf on November 21, 2016
Hi guys, We have written an integration with HubSpot for our app which makes use of our mutual customer’s hapi keys from their profile. Late last week, we found that our requests are being blocked by the HubSpot servers and we are receiving an HTT read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
October 04, 2024
Hi, It is also happening for me. I have updated the scopes but it is still happening. I haven't changed anything in my application, is there more
ILamana on October 01, 2024
I am encountering a "403 Forbidden" status when attempting to call the endpoint: to create a note. This issue began unexpectedly, without any changes on my end, and the endpoint was functioning correc read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 04, 2024
Hi, I have updated the scopes but I am still getting a 403. One of the lines of the response body is: Enable JavaScript and cookies to more
ILamana on October 01, 2024
I am encountering a "403 Forbidden" status when attempting to call the endpoint: to create a note. This issue began unexpectedly, without any changes on my end, and the endpoint was functioning correc read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 04, 2024
Hi, I have updated the scopes but I am still getting a 403. One of the lines of the response body is: Enable JavaScript and cookies to more
ILamana on October 01, 2024
I am encountering a "403 Forbidden" status when attempting to call the endpoint: to create a note. This issue began unexpectedly, without any changes on my end, and the endpoint was functioning correc read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 04, 2024
Hi, I have updated the scopes but I am still getting a 403. One of the lines of the response body is: Enable JavaScript and cookies to more
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