
Member since ‎Jan 13, 2019
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Vuhar Mamedov

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Artelogic on November 28, 2023
In our organization we require to create either a Lead or Deal, before attempting to contact any contact. Would be nice to have such a setting.
FernandoElias on November 18, 2020
It'll be great to have this functionallity so we can have more powerful insights within HubSpot.
157 Replies
April 12, 2023
would be great to have. currently, we are solving this by having google sheets.
laurenmarjorie on January 09, 2018
(posting on behalf of customer) We (management) must be able to create a list of calls with all details including call length, outcome and directly listen to the call. We can't manage the prospecting process without this functionality.
14 Replies
April 11, 2019
same thing here. it' difficult to manage and control the prospecting process with such circumstances.
Roelof on August 18, 2017
When I get at call and I don't recognize the number I quickly want to check who is calling me in hubspot. Hubspot today only allows search for "Phone number" and does not support search on "Mobile phone number". Please make it possible t read more
January 13, 2019
Hi, Hubspot provides 2 fields for phone numbers: (1) Phone number and (2) Mobile phone number. Obviously, we enter direct mobile phone numbers into more
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