
Member since ‎May 4, 2017
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Erica Schoenagel

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roisinkirby on October 20, 2016
Hi 👋 Welcome to the HubSpot community! We are thrilled to have you here! ❤️ We want you to know that this community has been created with you in mind to build professional connections, explore new ideas, access video tutorials, read more
4174 Replies
March 03, 2020
Hello from Baltimore, MD! Congratulations to all on your accomplishment, and I’m honored to join you in the Champion User community. I am the more
eschoenagel on September 17, 2019
Hello HubSpot Dev Team, I reached out to support recently as I noticed the logo icon on my HubSpot hosted blog was linking to an outdated version of my company webpage that is no longer active. This was due to the fact that the associated URL wa read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 02, 2019
Hey @chuckchoi , Thank you so much for getting back to me. Gotta love an easy fix! I appreciate your help. Erica
eschoenagel on September 17, 2019
Hello HubSpot Dev Team, I reached out to support recently as I noticed the logo icon on my HubSpot hosted blog was linking to an outdated version of my company webpage that is no longer active. This was due to the fact that the associated URL wa read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 02, 2019
Hey @chuckchoi , Thank you so much for getting back to me. Gotta love an easy fix! I appreciate your help. Erica
eLichtmann on January 30, 2017
It would be very useful to have an emoji module for social media messages. Right now I need to copy external emojis with to make my tweets look more personal.
4 Replies
May 04, 2017
I would love to see this feature added! I'm sure you all already know that emojis boost Tweet enagement!
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