
Member since ‎Jan 11, 2019
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Nicole Catatao

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TSNicole on April 12, 2024
On the Analytics Tool report, Website Visits, I would like to be able to filter which Business Unit (or website of mine) each domain looked at. This way, I can create ABM campaigns per Business Unit based on companies that have shown interest.
April 10, 2024
Agreed, I definitely need G2 as soon as possible! I need to be able to integrate different G2 profiles with their own Business Unit. This is more
October 19, 2022
When I add the Chili Piper JS code to the rich text module, there is no preview of the calendar, and nothing actually gets loaded on the page. more
TSNicole on October 13, 2022
Hi, Is it possible to embed our Chili Piper calendar within the landing page via the Rich Text module instead of having a form? I don't want to re-direct contacts to a new page to select a date/time for a demo, I want them to be able to do it w read more
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October 12, 2022
I'm also interested in this option. I have a CTA button lower on the page, and I simply want to push people back up to the form on the top of the more
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