
Member since ‎Jan 11, 2019
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Simon Hacking

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simonh321 on November 11, 2019
Hi there, We're looking to test a new Google Ads extension, where a lead form is shown in the ad. I'm keen to understand how we can get the data flowing straight into Hubspot and creating Contacts, but don't know where to start. There's info read more
November 12, 2019
Hi @WendyGoh Thanks for getting back to me to clarify, and the information on possible next steps. It's a shame we can't plug it straight into more
simonh321 on November 11, 2019
Hi there, We're looking to test a new Google Ads extension, where a lead form is shown in the ad. I'm keen to understand how we can get the data flowing straight into Hubspot and creating Contacts, but don't know where to start. There's info read more
November 12, 2019
Hi @WendyGoh Thanks for getting back to me to clarify, and the information on possible next steps. It's a shame we can't plug it straight into more
ndwilliams3 on January 25, 2017
Workflows can be complex and it would be great it you could add notes to a step to explain what it's doing for other members on the team. In programming, you leave comments in the code to help explain a function, why not have something similar in read more
44 Replies
October 30, 2019
@TH1 there is a Decription field on contact workflows, albeit a bit hidden. Click 'More' in the top right and it's there.
ramatoG2 on June 21, 2019
Hi! It would be very helpful to have the ability to filter and set workflow triggers for Salesforce Campaign Statuses. Currently, we can filter lists by Salesforce Campaign and we can use it as a trigger for workflows, but we cannot take it a s read more
17 Replies
July 10, 2019
Yep, agree with this. Sounds like an obvious requirement so I was surprised it doesn't already exist.
simonh321 on March 20, 2019
As a marketing/sales user I want the deal-based workflow step of 'send internal email' to allow sending emails to a property that stores an email address. This functionality exists in a Contact-based workflow in the 'Send internal email' workflo read more
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