
Member since ‎Jan 10, 2019
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CrunchedAdmin on August 12, 2024
Has anyone found a way to automatically associate an order with a company or custom object through the shopify integration? We have a Shopify plus store but we are unable to map the Customer (Company) on the shopify side to the associated compan read more
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CrunchedAdmin on August 09, 2024
Has anyone has found a way to associate synced orders with a contacts primary company? Majority of the fields aren't accessible when trying to map the native integration with associated companies being one of them.
CrunchedAdmin on October 05, 2023
It would be really cool if we had the ability to customize a company wide calendar by blocking off days, holidays, vacations, etc. By doing this, it would not allow emails in sequences, tasks, meetings, etc. to be scheduled on those days/weeks and w read more
CrunchedAdmin on March 17, 2022
We utilize the form blocks for various aspects of our business. We have a new workflow where we are looking to accept a form, but would like certain field that they need to enter a code that we have provided. This way we track all form submissions t read more
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CrunchedAdmin on January 20, 2022
Would be really cool to pin a note to all associations. If other notes, tasks, etc are already pinned, you would have the ability to confirm and set new note as the top pin to that association. We deal with school systems so we have parent compa read more
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rickm on July 17, 2017
We frequently need to get in touch with the primary contact at one of our customers. In HubSpot, there is no way to identify who this is among the many contacts we have in HS for that organization. Even HubSpot recognizes the importance of thi read more
167 Replies
October 05, 2021
@jeffvincent thanks. Have been messing around with the association labels and they are going to be very beneficial. Wondering if there is a way to more
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