
Member since ‎Jan 7, 2019
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Ariel Eiberman

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breichenbach on June 07, 2019
Currently, if a customer comments on a blog post, other readers or blog managers in HubSpot can reply to that comment. When doing so, however, the original poster does not receive a notification email letting them know that their comment has been re read more
22 Replies
November 05, 2019
I'm having the same issue. It's the only thing that makes sense when replying to comments in the blog. Specially when they make a question. Is more
Ari_1987 on February 02, 2019
Hi! I'm running online events weekly so I put up a form per event for individuals to registered. Its a 8 question form that allows me to qualify this leads. But I feel I'm bothering those who continuosly want to participate in the events by asking read more
February 04, 2019
Hi Again... i made a test but it doesn't really work. In the Style/Preview it looks as it supposed, but when I go the the registration page, the more
Ari_1987 on February 02, 2019
Hi! I'm running online events weekly so I put up a form per event for individuals to registered. Its a 8 question form that allows me to qualify this leads. But I feel I'm bothering those who continuosly want to participate in the events by asking read more
February 04, 2019
Hi Again... i made a test but it doesn't really work. In the Style/Preview it looks as it supposed, but when I go the the registration page, the more
Ari_1987 on February 02, 2019
Hi! I'm running online events weekly so I put up a form per event for individuals to registered. Its a 8 question form that allows me to qualify this leads. But I feel I'm bothering those who continuosly want to participate in the events by asking read more
February 04, 2019
Hi Again... i made a test but it doesn't really work. In the Style/Preview it looks as it supposed, but when I go the the registration page, the more
Ari_1987 on January 07, 2019
This is my first post/question in the community! I'm looking to list the contacts who have been the most active readers of our blog . How can I measure and filter the amount of page views during the last 60 or 30 days? I have used: Numb read more
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