
Member since ‎Jan 4, 2019
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Kosti Hokkanen

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kosti_h on July 08, 2020
We would like to separate our access rights based on certain properties, for example allow access to contacts based on country property. We do not necessarily want to change ownership of the records but rather just limit the contacts that the user c read more
VagaeNatus on January 02, 2019
Currently, it's not possible to pass a "Datetime" property (one of the default timestamp looking like "01/02/2019 15:44", like "became a lead date" for example" to be copied into "Date" custom created properties via workflow. Currently it's not pos read more
June 11, 2020
Anyone who is still looking at this: It is relatively easy to work around this limitation. Just use Postman etc to change your custom properties more
allenday on April 23, 2018
I would like to be able to apply multiple refine-by filters to contact properties when creating lists and workflows. Example specific use-case: Contacts actively browsing specific content. Contact has visited URL containing [ read more
6 Replies
March 31, 2020
We really would need this feature, it would help a lot in for example lead scoring. Example: Contact has completed event "Login" in last 14 more
kosti_h on July 08, 2019
We would like to be able to copy account setups (custom properties etc) between accounts. We have an integration between our own product and HubSpot, and for testing purposes we would like to have multiple accounts with same settings. Now we have qu read more
3 Replies
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