
Member since ‎May 3, 2017
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Marcus Young

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Daniellj06 on September 25, 2018
I have a telesales team that has a target number of calls that they should be making daily, weekly and monthly. It would be nice to have the functionality to measure the number of calls made against the target set. In the same respect, The you shou read more
7 Replies
May 06, 2020
Hello, are you able to clarify how this has been delivered? Thanks.
MethodCall on May 23, 2017
Core Premise In a theoretically ideal/perfect CRM, the data that the CRM contains would be a perfect mirror of the relationships/events that exist/take place in the real world. That is to say, the CRM's data/structure would be abstracted from the read more
60 Replies
March 25, 2020
Definitely agree - our system is getting confusing and different staff members are ringing the same company (different location), which causes our more
RhiannaJones on July 31, 2019
Hi, We subscribe to the Reporting add on, but we are finding that there is a big limitation. It only enables us to report against revenue targets, not the number of activities or deals, which really restricts how effectively we can report agains read more
1 Reply
October 09, 2019
Also, if we could show targets/goals on charts other than line charts. This would enable a better comparison of activities generated by agents, more
Daniellj06 on September 25, 2018
I have a telesales team that has a target number of calls that they should be making daily, weekly and monthly. It would be nice to have the functionality to measure the number of calls made against the target set. In the same respect, The you shou read more
7 Replies
May 06, 2020
Hello, are you able to clarify how this has been delivered? Thanks.
Jmjermaz on March 09, 2017
I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
137 Replies
October 08, 2019
This is very important - just make it the same as call/meeting type drop down - should be very straightforward.
blugn on August 17, 2018
I would simply like a way to report on who and when someone created a deal. I would like to see a graph or chart that can be refined by month, deal type, and deal creator. This would make reporting and managing the progress of business development r read more
August 29, 2019
Hello we already report on this by creating a mandatory field called 'Created By' that the rep has to select when creting the deal. Once we have more
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