
Member since ‎Sep 11, 2024
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Oliver Jobson

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OJ_ONT on November 08, 2024
Why does the data model not show the Marketing Events object? Surely the data model should show all key objects and activities? As it stands the data model tool is pretty limited if we can't actually get an overview of the actual data model? read more
November 08, 2024
I am looking for a visual tool to help others understand how this object works / interact with other objects. We aren't using the Marketing Events more
OJ_ONT on November 08, 2024
Why does the data model not show the Marketing Events object? Surely the data model should show all key objects and activities? As it stands the data model tool is pretty limited if we can't actually get an overview of the actual data model? read more
November 08, 2024
I am looking for a visual tool to help others understand how this object works / interact with other objects. We aren't using the Marketing Events more
wmflan39 on February 23, 2022
Is there a HubSpot-y method to report PDF views, akin to Gogle Analytics 'Events' that would allow me to summarize how many of each PDF was viewed (links clicked) or downloaded for a given period? Thanks for your time. WmF
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November 06, 2024
PDFs can be difficult to reliably track. Clicking a link to a PDF tells the browser to navigate from the web page to the PDF. Often this happens so more
Jenny26 on May 10, 2024
Hello, I've noticed that the Record Source Detail 1 property occasionally says "Interaction with the HubSpot Tracking Code" for a contact. I need help understanding what this source means. I understand what the tracking code is but what could the read more
November 01, 2024
This indicates that the web analytics profile was created from analytic tracking on your website or other platforms (where HubSpot analytics are more
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