
Contributor | Gold Partner
Member since ‎Dec 26, 2018
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Daisy Daniëlla Kroon

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Contributor | Gold Partner
March 15, 2019
Guys, I think you should definitely post this as an idea, so that Hubspot can start 1. being aware of this lack they currently have 2.start working more
Contributor | Gold Partner
February 13, 2019
Hi @John_Gennell , Sorry if I am not understanding this quite right, but Linkedin does support multi-image posting and so does Instagram. Or more
Contributor | Gold Partner
January 10, 2019
Yes it works! Thank you so much!
Contributor | Gold Partner
January 10, 2019
@LOIC_BURDET_IDE Great blog by the way!! Like a really really good job! Congratz
Contributor | Gold Partner
January 10, 2019
Hi @LOIC_BURDET_IDE Thank you so much for your reply! Did you add this widget directly to your Hubspot blog? I see on their website that it's more
DaisyDKroon on January 03, 2019
Hi! We want to add the possibility to rate each of our blog posts, through the typical 5 stars system. But, we don't know how to add it to the blog template. Anyone knows how we can proceed? It's really important, as reviews are an important eleme read more
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