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Francesca Oberti

Truly passionate about my work, Marketing & Communication lover and Innovation enthusiast. Demand generation and business development are at the core of my working experiences, as well as taking care of the 360 degrees promotion of the Brand and its services and solutions, through all communication channels: online, offline, events. Social media, websites, digital contents, events management and lead generation are my everyday bread and butter, plus marketing analytics and PR coordination. These passions brought me to immerse myself even more in this world by putting my competences at service of the Milanese chapter of TED Talk as Communication Strategist. My curiosity pushes me always toward new challenges and to quote Barney Stinson: Challenge Accepted!


Januar 16, 2025
Hi everyone, I just wanted to update you and let you know that I solved the date display problem! I simply tried removing the blog list blocker fr...Beitrag ansehen
Januar 15, 2025
Hi @GRajput and @evaldas Thank you both for your suggestions! Unfortunately, I’m still facing the same issue. Here’s what I’ve tried so far...Beitrag ansehen
Januar 15, 2025
Hi @GRajput , Thank you for your suggestion, I really appreciate your help! I tried using publishDate instead of publish_date , but unfor...Beitrag ansehen
FrancescaO on Januar 15, 2025
Hi everyone, I’m working on a HubSpot blog and trying to display the publish date instead of the updated date on the blog listing page. While I was able to update individual blog posts successfully, I’m still encountering issues on the listing Beitrag ansehen
September 03, 2024
Hello, everyone! I'm Francesca, and I'm excited to be part of the HubSpot Community. As someone passionate about inbound marketing and the HubSpot ...Beitrag ansehen
September 03, 2024
I recommend auditing and updating buyer personas at least once a year. However, I stay flexible and update them more often if there are significant m...Beitrag ansehen
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