
Member since ‎Aug 29, 2024
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mhutter on January 30, 2023
Currently, the file preview makes very bad use of screen space: It's hard to see anything in this window, even with small documents. The value of having a "preview" per se is negated by the fact that still the entire file needs to be do read more
3 Replies
October 21, 2024
Yes agreed please enlarge it
Hal on June 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
162 Replies
October 21, 2024
It will be great for us to know that between a stage that was created and the last stage that is update
Daniel1 on July 14, 2017
We need to be able to enrol contacts and companies based on a contact/company property field being updated on a relative date (e.g. TODAY, TOMORROW, etc). We are using Hubspot as a way to faciliate our Product Qualified Lead (PQL) processes so this read more
21 Replies
October 16, 2024
Please include this in the feature update. will be helpful to measure in the report
MLiberato on April 24, 2023
Hi team! I'm submitting this in my user's name, They're not able to search for Contacts on the HubSpot app using filters. It would be really important to have additional filters to search for people. For example, they run into a guy named M read more
October 02, 2024
I was shock when i see that the mobile app is not as functional as the web since right now we area already mobile first.
OliviaSmart on March 07, 2024
To check if a custom property matches the 'email' field, like 'confirm email,' cannot presently be enabled within the forms. Using a workflow or the "double opt in" method are the current workarounds for this problem. Still, it would save a great de read more
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1 Reply
September 15, 2024
In the form, i have a email field and i will like to be able to check against the email that have already record in my contact
Shaunyim on October 05, 2020
It would be great to see the ability to connect more than 1 Cadlender per HubSpot account. For example 1 Google Calender and 1 Outlook Calender to a single HubSpot user. - Posted on behlaf of customer
58 Replies
September 09, 2024
Looks like a lot of people need this feature
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