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MVerma57 on Oktober 03, 2024
We need assistance with updating the "From" address on an email that’s currently active in HubSpot. The email is part of a survey campaign, and the "From" address should be changed to reflect a general company email rather than an individual who no Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Oktober 03, 2024
Hi, in feedback email the clone is not possible. this is one of the feedback email. Is there any other way to do it?
MVerma57 on Oktober 03, 2024
We need assistance with updating the "From" address on an email that’s currently active in HubSpot. The email is part of a survey campaign, and the "From" address should be changed to reflect a general company email rather than an individual who no Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Oktober 03, 2024
Hi, in feedback email the clone is not possible. this is one of the feedback email. Is there any other way to do it?
MVerma57 on September 17, 2024
Hi, We’re working with a company that has reached the email associations limit, and HubSpot support suggested creating a new company record and converting the current one into an “archive” company. Here’s what we’re thinking could be the potential Beitrag ansehen
MVerma57 on August 27, 2024
Hi, I want to know how we can create a dynamic header in a HubSpot landing page. In simple terms, we want to create a landing page where, if anyone searches for a specific word, that word will show up in the landing page header with the same context Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
MVerma57 on August 27, 2024
I have created a workflow for new form submissions in HubSpot, and I have set them to send the first email. After that, I categorized them into those who opened the email and those who did not. I want to know, once I have assigned the contact owner Beitrag ansehen
NSharma96 on August 06, 2024
We’re encountering two issues: Email Association Limits: Our company record (ID 8806287639) is at 80% of its 50,000 email association limit. We've made some changes but need advice on managing or reducing these associations without upgrading ou Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
August 08, 2024
Hi, yes, the users are getting logged out when they attempt to send emails in the CRM. Just to let you know, the above question was asked by one of m...Beitrag ansehen
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