
Member since ‎Aug 5, 2024
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Jeremy Hillier

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jkhi on September 19, 2024
I'm trying to generate a report showing the top Contact (i.e. highest HubSpot Score) per Company, e.g. so that I could run a sequence on them. I've set up the scoring correctly, but I can't see how to generate a report that only shows the top 1 read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 19, 2024
OK thanks. This does seem like a normal thing to do - am I trying to do something in a roundabout way? Is there a "HubSpot" way of achieving what more
jkhi on September 19, 2024
I'm trying to generate a report showing the top Contact (i.e. highest HubSpot Score) per Company, e.g. so that I could run a sequence on them. I've set up the scoring correctly, but I can't see how to generate a report that only shows the top 1 read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 19, 2024
OK thanks. This does seem like a normal thing to do - am I trying to do something in a roundabout way? Is there a "HubSpot" way of achieving what more
jkhi on September 19, 2024
I'm trying to generate a report showing the top Contact (i.e. highest HubSpot Score) per Company, e.g. so that I could run a sequence on them. I've set up the scoring correctly, but I can't see how to generate a report that only shows the top 1 read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 19, 2024
OK thanks. This does seem like a normal thing to do - am I trying to do something in a roundabout way? Is there a "HubSpot" way of achieving what more
SaritaUrban on April 29, 2024
It would be really valuable if we could see the latest notes in the list view. At the moment, Hubspot only shows the total number of comments, not the latest one. If the comment was too long, at least having the possibility to hover over it read more
1 Reply
August 20, 2024
This would be extremely useful. Being able to see the latest note in any list view (e.g. Deals, Contacts, etc), but most of all so for Custom more
dorecchio on July 11, 2024
Regarding the new beta recurring revenue reporting function I have identified a few gaps which may or may not be in the plan for the tool. 1) In addition to recurring revenue inactive date, you should have recurring revenue active date becaus read more
2 Replies
August 14, 2024
Totally agree with item 1 - Close Date is different from the Start Date. I have an additional request - item amounts should be done in Deal more
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