
Miembro desde ‎abr 28, 2017
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Drew Hall



Agosto 27, 2020
Hi Amy, great question. You can actually do this, it just takes a bit of work. Create a contacts active list, based on the activity of page views, th...Leer más
Abril 13, 2020
Disappointing that you're not planning to add this needed functionality that many have asked for. But thanks for the tip on the multiple checkbox pro...Leer más
Marzo 28, 2019
HubSpot, are you listening to your customers?! How long will it take you to add this pretty simple functionality that your competitors offer?
Agosto 17, 2018
Thank you, Frank. Just what I needed!
SecureWorld en Agosto 17, 2018
Did HS just make a change this week to the way contact imports work? We used to be able to import a .CSV list of email contacts and assign a name to a new Contacts List (static) all in the same process. But now, unexpectedly, the lists don't show up Leer más
4 Me gusta
3 Respuestas
Agosto 10, 2018
Totally agree. All of our Sales Pipelines have the same 6 deal stages, so it's just extra work to have to re-create them for each new Pipeline create...Leer más
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