
Member since ‎Apr 27, 2017
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Wade Fitzgerald

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wadefitzgerald on January 29, 2024
Hi - I am looking to be able to pull the values from a property - which I can then use in my custom coded module to use. Something like this is what I am trying to acheive: console.log("This is the field trying to popuplate: " + {{ contact .e read more
Aprillava on May 11, 2021
It would be great if there could be a way developed to 'bulk edit' forms. For example, we recently had someone leave the company who was attached to many of our forms (and yes, there is a danger in adding a person vs. a distribution inbox - this was read more
15 Replies
October 24, 2023
Also - ability to block domains from being able to sign forms. So blocking them by their domain, which would also rremove them from analytics.
wadefitzgerald on September 25, 2023
Currently when you go to a page and change the form to a new one, you have to manually figure out which page it redirects to - or the message it reads as the embedded message and then reapply this to the new form. This information dissappears once read more
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wadefitzgerald on September 27, 2019
I built a custom form using a coded module - but the extra parameters aren't in my form - but they are in the default forms - so just looking as to how to code that in so the end user can avail of these extra functions like "Send Form notifications read more
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5 Replies
October 01, 2019
Hi Stephanie, I got it working now using the module.follow_up_type_simple and module.simple_email_for_live_id. I think the issue was I was more
wadefitzgerald on September 27, 2019
I built a custom form using a coded module - but the extra parameters aren't in my form - but they are in the default forms - so just looking as to how to code that in so the end user can avail of these extra functions like "Send Form notifications read more
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5 Replies
October 01, 2019
Hi Stephanie, I got it working now using the module.follow_up_type_simple and module.simple_email_for_live_id. I think the issue was I was more
wadefitzgerald on September 27, 2019
I built a custom form using a coded module - but the extra parameters aren't in my form - but they are in the default forms - so just looking as to how to code that in so the end user can avail of these extra functions like "Send Form notifications read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
October 01, 2019
Hi Stephanie, I got it working now using the module.follow_up_type_simple and module.simple_email_for_live_id. I think the issue was I was more
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