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Ori Shimon

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AvocadoMan on Juli 26, 2024
Can we have a field with multiple string values on it? more like a tagging usecase. The field needs to be updated via API (adding new values regularly) for example, on the company level field called ""reference IDs" that could have this possib Beitrag ansehen
AvocadoMan on Juli 02, 2024
Hi, what do you consider as best practice for country association between contacts, companies and deals? at the company I work for, there are 4 different fields that represent the country field. Some of them are single-line text while others are dr Beitrag ansehen
Juli 03, 2024
Thanks you both @karstenkoehler @Jnix284 for your valuable assistance. I think i'll have to create a new field to build that flow, as the current...Beitrag ansehen
AvocadoMan on Juli 02, 2024
Hi, what do you consider as best practice for country association between contacts, companies and deals? at the company I work for, there are 4 different fields that represent the country field. Some of them are single-line text while others are dr Beitrag ansehen
Juli 03, 2024
Thanks you both @karstenkoehler @Jnix284 for your valuable assistance. I think i'll have to create a new field to build that flow, as the current...Beitrag ansehen
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