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Member since ‎Nov 19, 2018
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arickp1 on September 04, 2024
Hey everyone! We're getting an error from Cloudflare when we try to use the CMS Source Code API to upload minified JS and CSS files to HubSpot. The call that's failing is the cms.sourceCode.contentApi.replace, which is provided by the @hubspot /a read more
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1 Reply
arickp1 on January 11, 2022
I'm seeing my POSTs to /oauth/v1/token fail with a 429 error when refreshing OAuth tokens. I get the error stating that the secondly limit has been exceeded. I didn't notice these 429 errors after the change from 6 hours token times to 3 read more
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2 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
January 13, 2022
Okay thanks, they said it was just a problem with Cloudflare that's been resolved
arickp1 on January 11, 2022
I'm seeing my POSTs to /oauth/v1/token fail with a 429 error when refreshing OAuth tokens. I get the error stating that the secondly limit has been exceeded. I didn't notice these 429 errors after the change from 6 hours token times to 3 read more
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2 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
January 13, 2022
Okay thanks, they said it was just a problem with Cloudflare that's been resolved
arickp1 on December 15, 2020
I'm having a problem getting my integration to work for one of my customers. Updating companies through the API seems to have no effect. However, I am able to update contacts through the API just fine; updating the company records through the CRM UI read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
December 15, 2020
Hi @dennisedson , This only happens in HUB ID 8843909. It is as if the Super Admin user doesn't have permission to update companies. But I just more
arickp1 on December 15, 2020
I'm having a problem getting my integration to work for one of my customers. Updating companies through the API seems to have no effect. However, I am able to update contacts through the API just fine; updating the company records through the CRM UI read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
December 15, 2020
Hi @dennisedson , This only happens in HUB ID 8843909. It is as if the Super Admin user doesn't have permission to update companies. But I just more
arickp1 on January 06, 2020
In one of our portals, we are having errors with our integration because it's not able to parse the timestamps under the property history for "Marketing emails opened". In other words, if I pull up a contact and look at properties.hs_email_open.ver read more
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5 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
January 07, 2020
Hi @IsaacTakushi ! I've only seen the issue in this portal. Here are all the VIDs that have caused my JSON parser to blow up with the " more
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