
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Apr 26, 2017
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Marius on May 24, 2017
Hi, currently i display the list of topics by doing this: < ul > {% set blog_topics = blog_topics('testing blog', 250) %} {% for item in blog_topics %} < li class= "hs-menu-item hs-menu-depth-1" > & read more
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Marius on May 12, 2017
Hi, i only want to display the date only for post and comment. Is there anyways to hide the time?
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Participant | Platinum Partner
May 14, 2017
@DaniellePeters : Thank, i can change the time format of the post but the comment stay the same. Anyway to change comment datetime format?
Marius on May 12, 2017
Hi, i only want to display the date only for post and comment. Is there anyways to hide the time?
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3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 14, 2017
@DaniellePeters : Thank, i can change the time format of the post but the comment stay the same. Anyway to change comment datetime format?
Marius on May 11, 2017
Hi, in the blog list page, i want to limit the text to display in each blog post here. It can be easily done with post with TEXT ONLY content with css like this: . post-body-list { height : 300 px ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; read more
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APROPLAN on April 03, 2017
Multi languages features like Landing pages & website have. I think it's essential to have a blog in multiple languages.
97 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 08, 2017
Hi is there's any way to use multi-language for blog?
Marius on May 03, 2017
Does hubspot have category and tags or just only topic?
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