
Member since ‎Jun 21, 2024
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Shantel Jansen van Vuuren

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Shantelj on June 21, 2024
Hi Ladies, So excited to learn from you all. I am the Channel Manager at a Tech company called HeadsUp. I am brand new to Hubspot and has been tasked by my CEO to figure out how we can use Hubspot to log product features that we discover in meet read more
June 24, 2024
Thank you so much for the warm welcome Pam and guidance, truly appreciate it!
karengerberry on February 27, 2023
We need a way to be able to track incoming feature requests from our customers. We want to be able to order them to see what is trending? What is going to impact us the most financially? What is being requested the most? etc. We then need read more
4 Replies
June 21, 2024
We need the same function, wondering if there is a work around within Hubspot or another way to go about doing this currently?
Shantelj on June 21, 2024
Hi Ladies, So excited to learn from you all. I am the Channel Manager at a Tech company called HeadsUp. I am brand new to Hubspot and has been tasked by my CEO to figure out how we can use Hubspot to log product features that we discover in meet read more
June 24, 2024
Thank you so much for the warm welcome Pam and guidance, truly appreciate it!
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