
Member since ‎Dec 13, 2018
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brkn on August 01, 2018
As of now, custom properties are only added to the "about" section of a contact record. I'm suggesting that either: 1. Adding the ability to create group properties and display them in their own reorderable "display card/widget" (as you can wi read more
18 Replies
January 10, 2019
@basil I wish this existed too!
usmiclow on October 31, 2017
This is a really simple Idea. To preface, the areas holding information on the left side of the screen of a Contact, Company, or Deal are called Cards, such as the About Card. My Idea is to be able to make custom Cards to better organize and segment read more
9 Replies
December 13, 2018
We're on the free hubspot but would happily move over if this was an option, it's a fatal flaw.
ashlyngray_hub on November 16, 2016
In companies in hubspot sales, they have the blocks: about deals attachments contacts I feel it would be great to be able to add/remove/customise your own blocks. So you can organise the fields a bit better. Thanks!
25 Replies
December 13, 2018
Hubspot, please add custom cards to contacts so we don't have to use these weird workarounds
brkn on August 01, 2018
As of now, custom properties are only added to the "about" section of a contact record. I'm suggesting that either: 1. Adding the ability to create group properties and display them in their own reorderable "display card/widget" (as you can wi read more
18 Replies
January 10, 2019
@basil I wish this existed too!
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