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Member since ‎Dec 4, 2018
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Hawk-Steve on February 05, 2019
My company consults with other companies on a B2B basis for training their staff, we build a company profile and an organisational needs analysis (ONA) for those companies to identify their training needs. What I find strange is that we can only read more
110 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 04, 2019
Here's my use case: My client is a travel company that sells trips. The same contact may have multiple trips booked, I.e. multiple deals. more
adamperri5 on August 21, 2019
Having a notification email, or any type of notification appear when a client pays in the Quotes area will be a huge benefit to our system. The only way to see the quotes you've created is by downloading a PDF / Excel sheet. If there was also a way read more
24 Replies
Participant | Partner
September 13, 2019
Yes, we need this!
Hawk-Steve on February 05, 2019
My company consults with other companies on a B2B basis for training their staff, we build a company profile and an organisational needs analysis (ONA) for those companies to identify their training needs. What I find strange is that we can only read more
110 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 04, 2019
Here's my use case: My client is a travel company that sells trips. The same contact may have multiple trips booked, I.e. multiple deals. more
khughes on April 03, 2017
In emails you can add fields from Contacts and Companies, but not from Deals yet. Adding deal information is critical to setting up internal notifications.
68 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 04, 2018
Yes, please add this feature!
maximelexstart on September 21, 2018
Hey there! For us to be able to create forms that use Deal Properties would be amazing. Is that something easily feasible? Thank you.
191 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 04, 2018
This would be amazing. I want to be able to send a form to the customer to update the fields and store the information as part of the deal record. more
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