
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 30, 2018
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Sara Montagnani

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kdowds on March 31, 2020
It would be a huge time saver if HubSpot could further intergrate with Zoom Webinars to track which attendees actually attend the webinar vs. who just registered. This could be done with a simple "Yes" "No" as a filter or field that could be added t read more
6 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
April 29, 2021
I second this! I am having a hard time trying to segment my contacts by selecting only those who registered but not attended a webinar. It would more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 39 votes. There currently isn't a way to A/B test forms. I'm assuming other users out there would be interested in A/B testing whether or not certain fields create higher form submission drop off than o read more
94 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
April 24, 2019
I was looking into A/B testing popups on HubSpot and I found this post: why is it not a thing yet? I think it would be super useful to test more
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