
Member since ‎Nov 27, 2018
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Shawn Crosby

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CCIlumia on June 12, 2018
Hi! Could be awesome if we can configurate the proposal / quote template. Thanks
434 Replies
January 22, 2020
Would love this as the text size for the "Purchase Terms" could be considered "Fine Print" I would prefer this was larger to ensure our clients don' more
amandacp on April 10, 2019
I love how we can sort our notes by "Activity, Notes, Emails, Calls, and Tasks" at the top of a contact record but it would LOVE if we could add a "Meetings" tab and also one for any "Form Submissions" that are filled out. It would make it SO much read more
August 20, 2019
Would like this as well as an option for conversations as well. Thanks!
AEL on March 31, 2017
I want to start a new Workflow with a List, add a delay of 30 days, then send an internal email, then delay again for 30 more days. I want it to repeat over and over again as long as a Contact remains on that List. We'd like to use it to remind sta read more
33 Replies
June 11, 2019
I also need the ability to loop workflows.
SC_Landvoice on February 20, 2019
You may notice I used the titel from an older post as this feature was heavily requested when it was not available for "Single Data Set" Reports. Now that Hubspot has added the capability to create a report "Across Data Sets" this functionality once read more
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