
Member since ‎Apr 25, 2017
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leo_csrt on May 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v read more
99 Replies
November 05, 2024
@MSordillo - I believe it has been implemented a couple of years ago. It's an option on the scheduling tab of the meeting setup.
DCDSK on April 17, 2020
Hi All, When integrating Hubspot web forms with my WordPress site, doing so has drastically slowed the load speed of my site, especially when viewed on mobile browsers (adding 11 seconds to the load time, which makes using it untenable unless w read more
1 upvote
10 Replies
August 07, 2023
Hello! Can you please share if this problem has been addressed? I am having the same issue, Hubspot SEO tool points out to its own embedded form as more
JBradford1 on November 30, 2021
It would be cool if we could change the size of the bullets points and the numbers in a numbered list so that they match the size of the text that comes after them. I believe there is a way to do this with CSS but it would be a QOL improvement if th read more
1 Reply
March 29, 2023
I agree. I need to have a numbered list, but it has to have breaks in between items to insert other content, and when I try to continue the list more
leo_csrt on May 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v read more
99 Replies
November 05, 2024
@MSordillo - I believe it has been implemented a couple of years ago. It's an option on the scheduling tab of the meeting setup.
leo_csrt on May 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v read more
99 Replies
November 05, 2024
@MSordillo - I believe it has been implemented a couple of years ago. It's an option on the scheduling tab of the meeting setup.
NHermoso on February 24, 2017
It would great if the user could use their own URL redirect as a confirmation for signing up for a time in the meetings tool. This will aid in conversion tracking. As for now, a thank you message appears on the same page as a confirmation.
40 Replies
March 14, 2019
I vehemently support this idea. We desperately need the ability to redirect to a thank you page after meeting submission or a way install a Facebook more
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