
Member since ‎May 21, 2024
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Cerwind on November 05, 2024
I'm trying to list the feedback submissions and I'm getting the 403 error: ``` You do not have permissions to view object type ObjectTypeId{legacyObjectType=FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION} ``` Even though I'm a Super Admin + I'm using a developer account. read more
November 06, 2024
In fact, I can see the requests coming in to the app via the monitoring tab so it's definitely going to the correct application with those scopes. I' more
Cerwind on November 05, 2024
I'm trying to list the feedback submissions and I'm getting the 403 error: ``` You do not have permissions to view object type ObjectTypeId{legacyObjectType=FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION} ``` Even though I'm a Super Admin + I'm using a developer account. read more
November 06, 2024
In fact, I can see the requests coming in to the app via the monitoring tab so it's definitely going to the correct application with those scopes. I' more
Cerwind on November 05, 2024
I'm trying to list the feedback submissions and I'm getting the 403 error: ``` You do not have permissions to view object type ObjectTypeId{legacyObjectType=FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION} ``` Even though I'm a Super Admin + I'm using a developer account. read more
November 06, 2024
In fact, I can see the requests coming in to the app via the monitoring tab so it's definitely going to the correct application with those scopes. I' more
Cerwind on November 05, 2024
I'm trying to list the feedback submissions and I'm getting the 403 error: ``` You do not have permissions to view object type ObjectTypeId{legacyObjectType=FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION} ``` Even though I'm a Super Admin + I'm using a developer account. read more
November 06, 2024
In fact, I can see the requests coming in to the app via the monitoring tab so it's definitely going to the correct application with those scopes. I' more
Cerwind on July 23, 2024
Hi, Calling the Conversation Threads API and using the latestMessageTimestampAfter as 2024-07-22 I get a conversation thread back that has the value: 'latestMessageReceivedTimestamp': '2024-07-02T13:03:38.006Z' I believe the thread read more
Cerwind on July 06, 2024
How to get the total number of conversation threads from the `/conversations/threads` API? As far as I can see the only way to do this is to recursively call the next page until you run out of pages but there must be a simpler way to do this?
July 17, 2024
Hi Zach, Thanks for the response, no problem - I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious as it feels like this should be some top more
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