
Member since ‎Nov 22, 2018
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Sara Eisenstein

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Dedicated on June 29, 2021
Seeing that the way we reach out to a person at a company is often contingent upon our relationship with other people at that same company, it would be very useful to be able to see information about someone's colleagues on their contact record, or read more
achia on September 11, 2019
HI team, Currently, the de-duplication tool allows users to merge contacts. This is currently an irreversible merge, which is understandable as some information is lost during the merge. However, it would be great if there could be a way to iden read more
16 Replies
December 27, 2020
I would love to have a property like this. When merging two contacts, if the primary contact has no value for a property and the secondary contact more
Ty_ on July 13, 2018
There are many reasons why an email may bounce, and that isn't a problem most of the time. However, when the communication is a time sensitive transactional email (invoice, contract, product status), we aren't always aware of it not being delivered read more
October 26, 2020
A useful bit of advice I got from a HubSpot rep was to make a workflow that triggers when the contact property "Marketing emails bounced" is known ( more
Jems212 on January 20, 2017
Basically for each property I want 3 options to choose from: 1) Update value if blank 2) Append to value 3) Overwrite value Sample use case(s): Append Option: Notes Field I have a comments field on my contact form where someone sends us a query. read more
140 Replies
October 11, 2020
@MoreLeadsPlz , HubSpot does let you append two fields using tokens within a workflow, but the tokens offered will only be of the object type that more
Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme read more
August 26, 2020
PLEASE implement this option soon, with the time also containing the second count and not just minute and hour. Thanks!
Ty_ on July 13, 2018
There are many reasons why an email may bounce, and that isn't a problem most of the time. However, when the communication is a time sensitive transactional email (invoice, contract, product status), we aren't always aware of it not being delivered read more
October 26, 2020
A useful bit of advice I got from a HubSpot rep was to make a workflow that triggers when the contact property "Marketing emails bounced" is known ( more
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