
Member since ‎Nov 19, 2018
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Hossein Moghaddam

My life story cut short: I come from a pretty diverse background. I was born and brought up in Iran. I studied engineering then and got my first job as an English Teacher. This led to establishing my own English School and turned it form a start up to a sane business . It was here that I discovered marketing and management would be my passion for the rest of my life. So I got married, moved to Italy, graduated from an international MBA course in Pisa and found my first job abroad as a marketer. My personality: I am a result-oriented person. Often getting to the best result in the shortest time has required creativity and problem solving which are the two skills I have coded into my personality. I have taught for a good part of my life and have learned pretty well how to handle a speech for a small and large audience, how to deal with a group of people with different personalities, make myself understood without passing the boundaries, and how to organize team activities and be a team player. As a teacher and a marketer I have learned to keep myself updated with trend and technologies and I believe in both professions you need to know a little about many topics and be expert of a few.


hossein9698 on June 30, 2020
Hello, We have been having the need to analize funnel data and understand which pages have the potential to be optimize for CTR and which pages have the possibility to be optimize for conversion. For example, I would like to understand throug read more
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CCIlumia on June 12, 2018
Hi! Could be awesome if we can configurate the proposal / quote template. Thanks
434 Replies
November 30, 2018
Hi Guys, After using the products and quotes and enetually replacing it with our traditional way, I faced some limits which I think are pretty more
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