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Nautilus on August 03, 2024
I've set a conditional rule that requires a selection for the property "Vulnerability" if the property "Vulnerable Client" has been set as 'True'. This works fine but the dependent property does not show on the Client record after a selection is mad Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
August 12, 2024
Hi Karsten, I'm still new in HubSpot community but think I managed to accept your previous reply as a solution or at least upvoted it. I unders...Beitrag ansehen
GTorres08 on Mai 21, 2024
It would be great if we could show the dependent properties on the sidebar for the Help Desk. For example: I have a property for our products and a dependent property for the versions. This works fine on forms, but to view this information on Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 06, 2024
Yes, I agree with (and have upvoted) this request. If we can't see the dependent property selections on a record there doesn't seem much point in col...Beitrag ansehen
Nautilus on August 03, 2024
I've set a conditional rule that requires a selection for the property "Vulnerability" if the property "Vulnerable Client" has been set as 'True'. This works fine but the dependent property does not show on the Client record after a selection is mad Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
August 12, 2024
Hi Karsten, I'm still new in HubSpot community but think I managed to accept your previous reply as a solution or at least upvoted it. I unders...Beitrag ansehen
Nautilus on August 05, 2024
It would be great to conditionally display a dependent field on a contact record only when it is used. At the momement, it is only possible to permanently display a dependent field even when it's not used and this creates clutter on the contact reco Beitrag ansehen
Nautilus on August 03, 2024
I've set a conditional rule that requires a selection for the property "Vulnerability" if the property "Vulnerable Client" has been set as 'True'. This works fine but the dependent property does not show on the Client record after a selection is mad Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
August 12, 2024
Hi Karsten, I'm still new in HubSpot community but think I managed to accept your previous reply as a solution or at least upvoted it. I unders...Beitrag ansehen
Nautilus on August 03, 2024
I've set a conditional rule that requires a selection for the property "Vulnerability" if the property "Vulnerable Client" has been set as 'True'. This works fine but the dependent property does not show on the Client record after a selection is mad Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
August 12, 2024
Hi Karsten, I'm still new in HubSpot community but think I managed to accept your previous reply as a solution or at least upvoted it. I unders...Beitrag ansehen
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