
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Membro desde ‎nov 13, 2018
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JonathanDC on Julho 21, 2017
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.
325 avaliações positivas
98 Respostas
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Março 07, 2019
Hey, i'm not sure if this covers you need completely but did you check the "Multi-Language Subscription Preferences" module in the marketplace? We...Leia mais
RRRadu on Outubro 23, 2017
We use WordPress for our main site and we'd like to be able to associate WordPress pages to Campaigns. At the moment, we can only associate Blog or Landing pages hosted on Hubspot. It seems strange that while we use the Hubspot tracking code, an Leia mais
456 avaliações positivas
154 Respostas
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Janeiro 24, 2019
Totally agree. Campaign Tracking is a joke when you can´t have the numbers for contacts 'first time touching campaign'. Did anyone this of a workar...Leia mais
Claire2 on Março 29, 2018
I realised after spending 2 hours trying to get the right reports on out dashboard, that I would now need to repeat this process 10 more times, as we need to see each vendor sales figures for each team. We need to be able to clone the whole das Leia mais
19 avaliações positivas
9 Respostas
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Janeiro 10, 2019
That would still be very useful.
Tintenton on Novembro 13, 2018
Hey all, i am using Typeform for some of our customers. Because we are generating Leads with Typeform we need to install a Double Opt-In process. I know that i can send all people to a list that filled out a typeform through the integration. H Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
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Dezembro 10, 2018
Hey @MFrankJohnson , this is what hubspot support said as a solution. After diving deeper into the topic it seems that the HS DOI process is als...Leia mais
Tintenton on Novembro 13, 2018
Hey all, i am using Typeform for some of our customers. Because we are generating Leads with Typeform we need to install a Double Opt-In process. I know that i can send all people to a list that filled out a typeform through the integration. H Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Dezembro 10, 2018
Hey @MFrankJohnson , this is what hubspot support said as a solution. After diving deeper into the topic it seems that the HS DOI process is als...Leia mais
Tintenton on Novembro 13, 2018
Hey all, i am using Typeform for some of our customers. Because we are generating Leads with Typeform we need to install a Double Opt-In process. I know that i can send all people to a list that filled out a typeform through the integration. H Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Dezembro 10, 2018
Hey @MFrankJohnson , this is what hubspot support said as a solution. After diving deeper into the topic it seems that the HS DOI process is als...Leia mais
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