
Member since ‎Apr 24, 2017
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Francesco Ientile

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Latchy on July 17, 2018
I would like to see an enhancement that enable being able to capture inbound emails in HubSpot with an "Add Email" button, similar to what Salesforce already has in place for MS Outlook desktop and Office 360. The current Hubspot method to capture e read more
July 28, 2023
I get the unlogged email from my sent folder and set it up to forward. I addresss the TO: address to, where ######## more
tmccoy on May 26, 2021
In workflows, it would be great to have a way to populate/set the call and meeting type. Currently, since this type is not a regular property, there doesn't seem to be a way to set it. When I submitted a support ticket on this, I was told: "s in read more
45 Replies
January 28, 2023
We would love to see this for meeting and call types and outcomes
Francesco on October 13, 2021
Communication content is content. If my organization has the same message to communicate to our target market (Marketing Contacts), prospects active in our funnel (Sales contacts) and our Customers, we cannot create a single message with personaliza read more
Francesco on October 13, 2021
We have three types of communication subscriptions: Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service/Care but we only have two types of content: Marketing, and Sales. We need a a third type of email classification: "Customer" in order to process unique re read more
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JoeMayall on January 05, 2021
It's inconvenient that we can't use templates we created in the conversations tool for marketing emails tool. I have to copy & paste the template into some external text tool, then copy & paste it again to make marketing emails. It read more
October 13, 2021
It seems too arbitrary that the content of a Marketing Email is kept distinct and separate from a Conversation Template. It is as if we are applying more
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