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Vickie McGee


Rachel_KL on Julho 02, 2020
I created a report showing a list of companies that have an associated parent company. The report shows exactly what I want. The issue is when I export that report data. Rather than getting the parent company name, I get the parent company ID. A Leia mais
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Fevereiro 12, 2024
Still needed! Why show the Parent Company Name on the list but only export the HubSpot Company Record ID. Insane!
Akix17 on Abril 12, 2021
HubSpot allows users to "Favorite" dashboards, but provides no single location to view the favorites. There needs to be a way to see a list of favorited dashboards to complete the feature, otherwise starring it has absolutely no purpose.
15 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Agosto 31, 2023
Right, what's the point of marking them as favorite if they don't show up first. This is a no brainer.
Emily_ on Dezembro 18, 2020
Workflow actions can be set to only execute during specific times, however the delays execute even outside those times. There should be an option to set the delays to only happen during set days as well. I have automated task reminders that need Leia mais
27 avaliações positivas
8 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Fevereiro 07, 2023
If the workflow is triggered to only happen during specific work days (M-F), then the delay should act the same.
twinloger on Abril 12, 2021
Hi, does anyone know if the items (name, quantity, unit price, margin etc) from line items can be used in workflows? We need to use this data in the properties of the deal in the left bar. Summaries such as TCV, ACV, ARR, MRR are not enough for us. Leia mais
41 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Setembro 15, 2022
I was able to set a deal property "Provider Seats" based on the quantity of line items using a workflow. If quqntity is known enrollement, and then a...Leia mais
lalexander on Novembro 14, 2018
Hi team, It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals cou Leia mais
677 avaliações positivas
184 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Julho 23, 2021
Needed, so following to be kept up to date on when this feature might be released.
isabelgendron on Maio 02, 2017
Mailchimp has a feature that gives you stats of the top email clients your contacts are reading your emails in. This is very helpful for formatting and prioritizing optimization for different email clients; for example, Outlook is a nightmare for CS Leia mais
127 avaliações positivas
54 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Julho 13, 2021
Could really use this! Client is looking at alternative email clients... HubSpot tech support said 50% of the emails will end up in the promotions fo...Leia mais
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