
Miembro desde ‎may 1, 2024
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Rob Nomura

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rojono1 en Octubre 14, 2024
how to create a hubspot list from sequence error contacts by the step where they dropped off? This should be doable (maybe not) all we want to is to reenroll contacts who dropped off a squence due to reaching the send limit (Wouldn't HS be able to Leer más
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1 Respuestas
rojono1 en Agosto 28, 2024
We want to create BULK spam and hard bounce lists. But apparently there is no function to do this. Please create this feature. Support told us we have select ALL our marketing emails individually in order to create a list of spam and/or hard bounc Leer más
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rojono1 en Julio 10, 2024
Has anyone done this? I'd like to send a report to people who 'reply' to an email (not click). And ideally, I'd like them to reply with a specific word in order to get the report (this is a nice to have, not a need to have). Is this easily possi Leer más
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1 Respuestas
Julio 08, 2024
This should be a basic function for a calendar system. please implement.
May 21, 2024
Hurry up in adding A/B testing for new CTA, esp. since you're moving legacy over there
May 01, 2024
To everyone, especially DianaGomez. These instructions are obsolete, right? What's the easiest way to get to live chat support and live phone supp...Leer más
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