
Member since ‎Apr 30, 2024
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Franco Ferraro Ravettino

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mbarba on February 16, 2022
You've probably heard it said a million times that data-driven decisions are the best decisions. However, creating and keeping good data isn’t always an easy thing to come by. There are three main areas you need to invest in read more
May 07, 2024
Process Definition: Define which data is valuable to collect, and how you hope to generate insights from it. Data Governance: The rules and more
mbarba on February 16, 2022
Revenue Operations, or RevOps, is integral to taking an inbound approach to business and speeding up your company’s flywheel. Why are those important? Let’s define terms first: Inbound is a method of attracting, e read more
May 01, 2024
No excuse returns may seem strange to some, but it has really made me faithful to REI. With that policy, I feel comfortable to buy knowing that the more
mbarba on February 16, 2022
Here at HubSpot, we define Revenue Operations, or RevOps, as the people, processes, systems, and data that control how your business generates revenue. That means that if you work at an organization that generates revenue, read more
April 30, 2024
Hi! My name is Franco Ferraro, and I'm based in Santa Rosa, CA. RevOps are processes that aim to bring synergy between Sales, Marketing and Customer more
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