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egp19 on Mai 29, 2020
Now that we can create custom properties for Products, can we enable calculated properties for Products? Without this basic feature, our products have quantitative properties that we have to manually calculate before adding to HubSpot. This creates Beitrag ansehen
74 Antworten
Mai 02, 2024
To expand on this Hubspot Line Items include "Unit Price" and "Unit Cost" out of the box. This allows Hubspot to show margin for each Line Item. ...Beitrag ansehen
LCorey on November 24, 2022
Need a calculation option to calculate total costs on a job, i.e. 2 x 5.00 - total cost column £10.00 (not to view on quote but for us to see) this controlled by template obviously. then at the end a total cost, ideally breakdown of equipment and Beitrag ansehen
Mai 02, 2024
Hubspot Line Items include "Unit Price" and "Unit Cost" out of the box. This allows Hubspot to show margin for each Line Item. HubSpot Deals have s...Beitrag ansehen
NicoNicoNii on April 05, 2024
Hi, In deals and especially during the quote creation step: Review Line Items, I hope there will be a feature to add a column(quote creation step) and section (deals) where we can see the total cost of each line item x its quantity. Then in the summ Beitrag ansehen
Mai 02, 2024
Yes! To add additional context, Hubspot Line Items include "Unit Price" and "Unit Cost" out of the box. This allows Hubspot to show margin for e...Beitrag ansehen
R10 on August 27, 2019
As someone who often has to create quotes for other team members, I would find it very helpful to be able to easily switch the "Your Info" contact info in a quote. Currently, the quote creator is the default contact for the quote. If I need to Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Mai 01, 2023
Time to send tweets out? They might respond quickly to those.
R10 on August 27, 2019
As someone who often has to create quotes for other team members, I would find it very helpful to be able to easily switch the "Your Info" contact info in a quote. Currently, the quote creator is the default contact for the quote. If I need to Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Mai 01, 2023
Time to send tweets out? They might respond quickly to those.
AlexHodgson on April 16, 2019
We've started using Quotes (it is very good) but one thing that frustrates is that if the customer requests one small change to a quote before signing you have to redo the whole quote. We'd like to suggest: - Ability to clone a quote to a new q Beitrag ansehen
69 Antworten
Februar 22, 2021
Agree with anna-ins completely. What really needed please are templates for the body, the products and for the Terms.
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