
Member since ‎Nov 8, 2018
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William Clayton

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William_Clayton on April 23, 2021
Hi, I'd like to know if how I can personalise my filtering in the activity feed by adding tags to certain themes or creating my own activity themes in which we can archive certain information linked to a Deal or Person. We need to filter info on a pr read more
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William_Clayton on April 20, 2021
Hi, I'd like to know if how I can personalise my filtering in the activity feed by adding tags to certain themes or creating my own activity "themes" in which we can archive certain information linked to a Deal or Person. We need to filter info on a read more
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azalaquett on October 09, 2020
Ok, HubSpot! You've done it for your Gmail users - and your Outlook users would greatly appreciate some love. Please create the ability when sending an email via an Outlook connected Sales inbox to CHOOSE which Deals the email gets associated to. read more
November 13, 2020
Hello, we are now getting to the point that we are spending more time telling users that use the Outlook extension or BCC to clean their emails more
azalaquett on October 09, 2020
Ok, HubSpot! You've done it for your Gmail users - and your Outlook users would greatly appreciate some love. Please create the ability when sending an email via an Outlook connected Sales inbox to CHOOSE which Deals the email gets associated to. read more
November 13, 2020
Hello, we are now getting to the point that we are spending more time telling users that use the Outlook extension or BCC to clean their emails more
William_Clayton on July 22, 2020
Is it possible to create sub levels of proprieties that are dependent on the next level? This means properties can have their own attribute sets and allow users to drill into more detail in their contact or company properties associating more specif read more
13 Replies
July 29, 2020
Yes, defintely woudl be a useful feature done like that.
William_Clayton on July 22, 2020
Is it possible to create sub levels of proprieties that are dependent on the next level? This means properties can have their own attribute sets and allow users to drill into more detail in their contact or company properties associating more specif read more
13 Replies
July 29, 2020
Yes, defintely woudl be a useful feature done like that.
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