
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 17, 2016
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Parker Short

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ParkerShort on May 21, 2024
This feels like a dumb question, but I'll throw it out here - how do you get a date field on a quote? Like we want someone to provide the date they sign (or have it filled in when they sign), and then state that the contract is valid for 1 year. Thi read more
2 Replies
ParkerShort on February 01, 2023
This mostly relates to custom-coded workflows. We're seeing issues when we bulk enroll contacts in a new workflow that has a custom-coded workflow action, that we can frequently get rate-limited or generate errors by hitting the system too aggressiv read more
0 Reply
ParkerShort on November 16, 2022
Howdy, I'd love to have the ability to restrict discounts on quotes. Specifically the discounts that are across the entire quote (the ones you add at the bottom). Here's the problem with these - We have advanced approval rules built out to route read more
ASykes on January 21, 2022
Hi HubSpotters 🙂 , My name is Alice Sykes and I am a Product Manager working with a focus on helping our admins (or anyone that has to perform admin duties) troubleshoot and audit their portals so they can confidently anticipate, diagnose, read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 07, 2022
apologies - I see I skipped right over the part about one or two! I'd go with pipeline required properties improvements and the ability to filter more
ASykes on January 21, 2022
Hi HubSpotters 🙂 , My name is Alice Sykes and I am a Product Manager working with a focus on helping our admins (or anyone that has to perform admin duties) troubleshoot and audit their portals so they can confidently anticipate, diagnose, read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 07, 2022
apologies - I see I skipped right over the part about one or two! I'd go with pipeline required properties improvements and the ability to filter more
ParkerShort on November 03, 2022
Hi there, When we implement HubSpot, we get a lot of confusion between lead status, lifecycle stages and deal stages. We have multiple documents that show the difference, and how they're used. One request we get a lot is "can we just track when le read more
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