
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 7, 2018
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Tiago Santana

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Participant | Diamond Partner
January 17, 2023
Hey everyone! I see that many people have had similar ideas as to centralizing our email. Since posting this, I've transitioned our business more
TiagoS on January 22, 2021
When sharing a video with Hubspot, it would be great if the URL could be a custom URL instead of a Hubspot URL.
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Participant | Diamond Partner
January 22, 2021
When creating a task and you assign it to someone other than yourself, it would be helpful if the task could be added to a queue as long as that more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 11, 2020
Hey @lelparkerpnw ! Have you considered partnering with a solutions partner for this role? For about the same price as a new team more
Participant | Diamond Partner
April 27, 2020
Please allow for subfolders in Templates and Sequences.
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 30, 2020
Thanks for sharing this idea @samglenn . Felt this pain point several times including today. 🙂
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